Monday, April 19, 2010

Is Everything Pure for You? It Can Be!

Titus 1:15-16 NLT
15 Everything is pure to those whose hearts are pure. But nothing is pure to those who are corrupt and unbelieving, because their minds and consciences are corrupted. 16 Such people claim they know God, but they deny him by the way they live. They are detestable and disobedient, worthless for doing anything good.

The great news-- perhaps the greatest you have heard in some time-- is that right now, today, YOUR heart can be pure through faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. Believing brings an impact upon you-- purification. Keep in mind there is a difference in believing and merely thinking about believing. If you truly believe then your actions will reflect your belief. Your attitudes will be changed as they arise because you willingly submit them to Lordship by the Holy Spirit who now resides within you forming and growing an entirely new nature. In your old nature verse 16 describes you. You might have claimed to know God because you tend to hang around with Christians and in churches. However your actions and attitudes towards others belied your claim. You were, in fact, detestable and disobedient to the Lord, focused on your own personal preferences. But when you yielded to Him, all that changed. Purity came to you and continues in you as you continue in your surrender and obedience. What's that? You haven't submitted yet? Why not? Why not right now? Wouldn't purification of heart and mind be a refreshing change for you then? If I can be of help don't hesitate to contact me so I can pray for you (818.321.5014)
Your Servant in the Lord's Love

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