Friday, May 21, 2010

God's Mysterious Plan Revealed!

Eph. 1:9    God has now revealed to us his mysterious plan regarding Christ, a plan to fulfill his own good pleasure.  10 And this is the plan: At the right time he will bring everything together under the authority of Christ—everything in heaven and on earth.  11 Furthermore, because we are united with Christ, we have received an inheritance from God, for he chose us in advance, and he makes everything work out according to his plan.

I am a person who plans. The other day I even planned how I was NOT going to plan anything! I can't help myself, I am just a planner. It is how God wired me, others tell me.  I really appreciate a great plan. So, when I read this passage, my heart skips a beat. God-- the one who created everything, the one who planned everything to the most minute detail, the one who set the plan into motion, the one who sustains and maintains the plan to its fulfilment--God's plan was mysterious. However, Paul tells the Ephesians and us that God has revealed His mysterious plan to us. His plan was that Christ would come to be the sacrifice for humankind's sin and thereby atone for it all, for those who accept it. Paul told them, and us that there is a time coming that will be "the right time." It will be the time when God brings it all together. It will be the time when the Risen Christ returns to be revealed as King of Kings and Lord of Lords, over all creation. It will be the time when the inheritance you and I have been granted-- to reign with Christ-- will be dispersed.

Paul tells us that God chose us. I just can never get enough of that passage. It is so mind-boggling to me that the Creator, the all-perfect, all powerful, all-knowing, one and only God chose me. I don't often get chosen for honor or recognition. I'd like to-- as we all would I suppose, but I don't. I have come to accept it in my latter years that I'm not going to be highly recognized and little chosen by others. But that no longer matters to me because I realize now that GOD chose me! We can't be better honored than for God to have chosen us. And God's immutable, inspired Holy written Word says that He chose me, and you, to be a party to His great plan. It further tells me that we are united with Christ-- we are in a bond, a common Holy nature with the Lord. We have his heart. We have his mind. We have his will-- and all because God chose us.

If there is anything that upsets you today, compare it with this truth-- God chose YOU to be with Him for eternity.

Your Servant in Christ's Love

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